State of the World

Out of 8 billion inhabitants, 3.42 billion live in regions that at least meet the simplest requirements of civil society, while 4.58 billion do not.

The best places strengthen families by protecting all family members from discrimination based on sexual orientation, while the worst regions violate the human rights of family members based on sexual orientation and therefore violate the right of all parents to have the human rights of their children protected.

Below shows the state of governments. Under the best governments, human rights are protected so people have a reason to maintain the rule of law and all that flows from sustaining it. Many failed governments implode for a wide range of reasons. Government officials who leave office are still accountable for what they did while in office. There is no excuse for any government official to violate human rights or perpetuate human rights violations. Since government officials who violate human rights are vastly outnumbered by those they harm, those officials forfeit any claim to be considered legitimate and forfeit any special considerations, protections, immunity, impunity, or courtesies otherwise provided directly or indirectly to those officials who do not violate human rights.

As generations have worked towards around the globe and will never cease to do so, the final outcome no matter what happens along the way is not a world where people tolerate human rights violations; it is a world where governments and government officials who violate human rights no longer exist.

Best Places
For Human Rights

(Updated Daily; Categories Best to
Worst; Places listed alphabetically)

   Canada (17)
   Denmark ***
   Faroe Islands
   French Guiana
   French Polynesia
   New Caledonia
   New Zealand
   Saint Barthelemy
   Saint Martin
   Saint Pierre & Miquelon
   Spain (28)
   Wallis & Futuna
   Austria *
   Brazil *(3)
   Costa Rica
   Mexico *
   South Africa
   Australia *
   Greece ***
   Argentina *
   Marshall Islands
   San Marino
   Cape Verde
   Philippines *
   Antigua & Barbuda
   East Timor
   Guinea Bissau
   Saint Kitts & Nevis
   Sao Tome & Principe
   Cayman Islands
   Czech Republic
   Equatorial Guinea
   Ivory Coast
   St. Maarten
Worst Places
For Human Rights

   Alderney (19)
   Ascension (19)
   Falkland Islands (19)
   Guernsey (19)
   Gibraltar (19)
   Isle of Man (19)
   Jersey (19)
   Saint Helena (19)
   Scotland (19)
   Tristan da Cunha (19)
   Wales (19)
   Central African Republic (15)
   Cook Islands
   Western Sahara (4)
   Bosnia Herzegovina
   British Virgin Islands
   Dem. Rep. of the Congo
   Dominican Republic
   Malaysia ***
   Niger (12)
   Northern Ireland
   North Macedonia
   Palestine (West Bank)
   Papua New Guinea
   Sri Lanka
   Solomon Islands
   Arabia (Saudi) (6)
   Belarus (18)
   Burkina Faso (15)
   Burma (15)
   Chad (15)
   China (24)
   Egypt (15)
   England (25)
   El Salvador (31)
   Gabon (15)
   Georgia (26)
   Ghana (31)
   Guinea (15)
   Hungary (21)
   Italy *
   Jordan (27)
   Kuwait (8)
   Mali (15)
   Morocco (4)
   Nigeria (30)
   North Korea (29)
   Palestine (Gaza Strip)
   Panama (16)
   Peru (23)
   Russian Federation (22)
   Saint Lucia
   St. Vincent & the Gren.
   Samoa (Western)
   Sierra Leone
   Singapore (16)
   South Korea
   South Sudan
   Suriname (16)
   Trinidad and Tobago
   Tunisia (18)
   Turks & Caicos Islands
   Uganda (31)
   United Arab Emirates (7)
   USA (Federal Gov.) (20)
   Vatican City

* Regions such as states or provinces within these nations have achieved a level one or more positions higher in human rights protection.

Italics indicate islands, and *** indicates region with considerable portion of population (20%+) inhabiting one or more islands.

(3) nineteen Brazilian states, plus Distrito Federal (DF) territory, rank Astounding.

(4) Western Sahara occupied by Morocco.

(6) Corrupt Saudi government - the "royal" family - was installed by the USA government and remains in power only because of the USA.

(7) UAE government under de facto control of Iran.

(8) Corrupt Kuwait government was installed by the USA government and remains in power only because of the USA.

(12) Military coup suspended constitution, etc. - previously ranked as MEDUSA, thus corrupt government was overthrown by this coup.

(15) Military coup overthrew government, rule of law, constitution, etc.

(16) Judiciary committed act of genocide declaring rights only belong to people if they belong to a large-enough group. That declaration is the antithesis of Equal Protection under Law as well as Human Rights.

(17) Overall rating applies, except Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Alberta rank as Questionable heading towards MEDUSA.

(18) Failed state run by fascist authoritarian dictatorship that destroyed democracy and is guilty of mass human rights violations against citizenry, rendering rule of law pointless to maintain for anyone, including all military personnel, harmed by the dictator's regime. The military rank-and-file have everything to gain by not preserving the dictator, or any officials or officers perpetuating the dictatorship, and have every right to turn all weaponry toward ending the regime to restore freedom and human rights to the nation. The dictator and all members of his regime in all branches of government have discredited the entire Russian military, so all their assets must be removed and given to the families of the hundreds of thousands of dead military personnel killed by the dictatorship's attack on surrounding democracies.

(19) Low ranking for these regions result of intellectually bankrupt UK Supreme Court in 2018 gutting basic equality and nondiscrimination protections and principles for race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, calling into question all laws in the UK. Otherwise these region would be substantially higher in ranking.

(20) Many of the states contain rightwing state officials guilty of the crime of genocide and sexual abuse against LGBT children, aiming to silence victims and deny them equal representation and access to life-saving health care and medical knowledge. U.S. Government overthrown by political coup in legislative branch that destroyed third branch of government. United States Supreme Court became constitutionally corrupted court in 2016 when Senators of opposing party violated oath to constitution by not fulfilling constitutional requirement to hold hearing for a Supreme Court candidate nominated by a twice-popularly elected President, depriving the majority of U.S. voters their constitutional right to have their lawfully elected President select the Supreme Court justice.

Majority of top court judicial members were not appointed or confirmed by representatives of the majority of voters. Six judicial members for the first time in United States history took away a constitutional right - one that has existed for 50 years and is supported by 70% of Americans - violating Equal Protection Under Law despite their specious claims to the contrary and making the six justices among the most corrupt jurists on the planet. The six of nine total also have committed fraud to obtain their office specifically to take away a constitutional right, so they have violated their oath of office. No American has any reason to trust in any constitutional right or freedom or in any ruling or law.

In trying to gut enforcement of the 14th Amendment, Section 3 (the constitutional safety net for the American people against oath-breaking insurrectionist holding office), the justices have provided comfort to current and future inusurrectionists, which automatically disqualifies the justices from holding office under the U.S. Constitution under the self-enforcing 14th Amendment, Section 3 (self-enforcing specifically because justices cannot by definition exempt themselves from being held accountable under it, which is what their ruling attempted to do). Until two-thirds of Congress votes to remove this barrier to them holding office, these justices - all nice - should no longer be considered officeholders - rendering the court a failed institution. Until the two-thirds vote to restore them by both thte House and Senate succeeds or the Senate replaces all nine justices. the United States is a failed state.

(21) Failed state since 1998. Headed by mass human rights violating Nazi authoritarians.

(22) Analysis shows less than 30% of eligible voters (from mere 40% turnout of eligible voters) cast ballots in March 2024 for Putin, whose regime suppressed or terminated any meaningful opposition or gneeral discourse among the public before, during, and after the not-free and not-fair elections, further demonstrating necrotic status of dead democracy. Failed state run by illegitimate Nazi authoritarian dictatorship that violates the human rights of majority of its citizens and attacks democracies along its borders in fascist attempt to control them. Systemic corruption in all three branches of government. Demonstrates all hallmarks of fascism. Guilty of crimes against humanity. National top court members guilty of genocide, while trying to blame their victims to deflect from their atrocity committed against millions of human beings. Authoritarian executive leader wanted on war crimes warrant by international criminal court system. Putin's crimes against Muslims are particularly appalling - any Islamic official who fails to hold Putin accountable is abetting his crimes against innocent Muslims throughout his spree.

(Nesostoyavsheyesya gosudarstvo, upravlyayemoye nezakonnoy natsistskoy avtoritarnoy diktaturoy, kotoraya narushayet prava cheloveka bol'shinstva svoikh grazhdan i napadayet na demokraticheskiye strany vdol' svoikh granits v fashistskikh popytkakh kontrolirovat' ikh. Sistemnaya korruptsiya vo vsekh trekh vetvyakh vlasti. Demonstriruyet vse priznaki fashizma. Vinoven v prestupleniyakh protiv chelovechestva. Chleny Verkhovnogo natsional'nogo suda vinovny v genotside, pytayas' pri etom obvinit' svoikh zhertv, chtoby otvlech'sya ot zlodeyaniy, sovershennykh protiv millionov lyudey. Avtoritarnyy ispolnitel'nyy lider razyskivayetsya mezhdunarodnym ugolovnym sudom po orderu na voyennyye prestupleniya. Prestupleniya Putina protiv musul'man osobenno uzhasny.)

(23) Systemic judicial corruption, rendering constitution meaningless and rule of law moot.

(24) Systemic authoritarian governmental corruption, rendering rule of law moot. Its Nazi-like government leadership guilty of mass human rights violations. Only way for the citizens of China to have national security is to get rid of all its government officials who violate human rights.

(25) Low ranking result of government under de facto control by Nazi foreign U.S. Republican party sexually abusing LGBT children, and intellectually bankrupt UK Supreme Court in 2018 gutting basic equality and nondiscrimination protections and principles for race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, calling into question all laws in the UK. Otherwise these region would be substantially higher in ranking.

(26) Failed state unable to sustain basic democratic requirements like equal protection under law. Majority of parliamentarians guilty of mass human rights violations, ending the rule of law entirely.

(27) Failed state of corrupt monarchy with government guilty of massive human rights violations against all Jordanians.

(28) Regional government of Madrid autonomous community ranks as MEDUSA.

(29) Failed state run by corrupt sociopathic dictator. No reason to maintain rule of law for anyone in the country. Best for North Korean military to regain their honor by removing the dictator to restore freedoms and human rights to all North Koreans, including their own loved ones.

(30) Failed state. Rule of law pointless. Officials guilty of genocide. Officials who left government still accountable for crimes committed while in office. Systemic corruption and bribery throughout all branches and levels of failed state.

(31) Failed state. All three branches of government systemically corrupt. Constitution meaningless. No reason for anyone to maintain rule of law. Officials guilty of genocide. Officials who left government still accountable for crimes committed while in office.

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

Starting Words of the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Human Rights Record of the World


Printable Human
Rights Report

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It is not what you do that brings an end to human rights violations around the world. It is what you no longer do that brings an end to governments violating human rights. Avoid doing any action that preserves governments that fail to protect human rights. This includes all treaties, agreements, and laws, since far more people are experiencing human rights violations right now by government officials than all the combined dead and casualties of World War II and all subsequent wars. It is one-sided for any government official to violate other people's human rights - millions of other people's human rights - and expect the ones they care most about to be preserved. Government officials who use religion as their proffered excuse to fail to protect the human rights of others can be subject to the same thing, since they are violating the religious freedom of those they harm.

Some corrupt billionaires cause a disproportional amount of mass human rights violations on Earth and are a certified danger to the eight-billion non-billionaires on the planet. For instance, examples of regions headed by corrupt billionaires guilty of committing mass human rights violations include the Russian Federation, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Hungrary, Brunei, China, Thailand, Kuwait, Belarus, Morocco, Qatar, Palestine, Lebanon, North Korea, and United Arab Emirates.

By definition, the rule of law only has credibility when human rights of millions of people are not being violated. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - created for human beings to judge governments because governments (individuals in government) commit crimes against human beings by violating their human rights - governments that violate human rights should not exist. It is understood that corrupt politicians place their political ambitions above the human rights of millions of others, so the Universal Declaration of Human Rights informs human beings when governments and politicians have committed crimes against people, their families, friends and neighbors, and that such government officials can therefore be removed and punished by any means required to stop the mass human rights violations. That is a fundamental purpose of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Human rights are vitally important to the well-being of every country and the entire world. As even the most basic history has shown repeatedly, without human rights protection, there is no reason to maintain the rule of law, no cause to invest or protect business or tourism, and no reason to preserve the environment because people are forced to direct their emotional resources and limited energy to being pre-occupied about dealing with the unpredictability and instability inflicted by ongoing human rights concerns - regardless of whether it is race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. That is why it is to the benefit of all that every government official on the planet stop violating the human rights of others to create a world where everyone enjoys the effects of human rights protection - justice, peace, prosperity, and more. No official violating the human rights of so many ever knows peace of mind since they are harming the family and friends of military personnel, law enforcement personnel, their own staff, and their own security personnel, all of whom are freed from any obligation or oath to fulfill any duties whatsoever that would benefit such corrupt officials in any way directly or, by extension, peripherally.

Think of how many government officials on the planet the LGBTQA (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, and Allied) community interacts with day-in day-out. How many? The answer is: the LGBTQA community interacts with all government officials worldwide even when those officials do not realize it. None are beyond the reach of the LGBTQA community. In fact, the LGBTQA community is unique on the planet with such a global reach that crosses all nationalities, language barriers, etc. Are those officials violating the human rights of LGBTQA people? Many officials do a good job of upholding human rights. Others violate them. Ultimately the LGBTQA community has to enforce human rights. There is no excuse for any official or government on the planet to be violating the human rights of LGBTQA people, who comprise more than half of the population of Earth.

Note: more than one half of personnel of each and every military and law enforcement agency on Earth is experiencing major human rights violations to their families, either by officials of their own government or neighboring governments. Include one more generation, and it increases to over two-thirds of their families.

One unifying characteristic stands out on Earth among the top human rights violations: a group of corrupt wealthy individuals on the planet is bankrolling human rights violations against more than four-billion non-wealthy LGBTQA people. These wealthy individuals should be punished for their crimes, and all of their assets should be taken to compensate victims around the world. Some of these violators attempt in futility to create and use distractions to draw attention away from their mass human rights violations.

The titles of monarch, king, royalty, sultan, judge, prime minister, and any other such secular or religious label can be entirely ignored and disregarded if attached to a government that commits genocide against LGBTQA people or any other mass human rights violations against others. Having any such title provides no special privilege to commit atrocities or escape punishment for genocide or other mass human rights violations.

Having natural resources (such as energy resources) or accumulated wealth (wealth that was obtained while violating human rights) is irrelevant to whether government officials can escape punishment for genocide. As history has repeatedly proven, the natural resources and any accumulated wealth will continue to exist and can be rightfully restored to the general population after government officials are punished for the crime of genocide. Consequently, no immunity or impunity exists for any government official who commits genocide - no matter how much some governments hypocritically kowtow to the greatest violators of human rights on the planet in exchange for natural resources or money. Violators who leave or retire from government are not absolved from punishment.

Malevolently, some politicians claim Majority Rules. But under pure Majority Rules any two or more people can outvote any individual so the millions of people harmed by each politician would get to vote on that politician's human rights in return. Politicians who claim Majority Rules qualify it by 1) declaring such voting only take place among group segments they dictate (for example, by state or province) and 2) insisting they themselves not be subject to the same situation of having large groups they cannot dictate vote on their human rights. That is why political corruption goes hand-in-hand with hypocrisy - such politicians declare it is okay to vote on other people's human rights, but not on their own. That is why a claim of Majority Rules with regards to human rights fails basic logic and ends the rule of law.

This criteria is used in determining whether politicians, government officials or religious leaders are guilty of genocide against LGBT people.

Any one of the following actions are considered acts of genocide intended to bring about the destruction of a group, in whole or in part:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Some politicians and government officials use religion as an excuse to violate human rights and commit genocide. These politicians and government officials violate freedom of religion by forcing religion onto others to keep themselves in power and harm others. Such politicians and government officials can also be removed and punished for their crimes.

Judicial corruption remains a leading source of mass human rights violations, debasing and devaluing an otherwise leading mechanism for justice and conflict resolution. Judges perjurying themselves to obtain appointments and then expecting everyone else to obey any rulings they make is an example of such judicial corruption, which results in mass human rights violations and ending the rule of law since it is impossible to justify such violations (although many corrupt judges even on high courts will attempt to justify their corruption to citizenry). There is no government on the planet - regardless of its form - that is immune to demise from such judicial corruption.

Regions where the rule of law has ended as the result of corruption, forced religion, and/or genocidal government officials include Pakistan, Nigeria, Russia, Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Romania, and more. Some of these government officials like playing games in the United Nations as if doing so will somehow alter the outcome, when to the contrary, such machinations in the UN only reaffirm which governments to no longer preserve.

Imagine if all the governments that violate human rights ceased to exist. Imagine living in a nation that upholds your human rights, and the human rights of all people. Imagine being governed by layers of government that secure and defend your human rights and the human rights of your family. For hundreds upon hundreds of millions of human beings, this kind of nation remains only a distant dream, the shadow of a shadow, because of corrupt government officials and religious leaders. The bottom line is: billions of people are experiencing human rights violations and have no reason to maintain the rule of law, when the rule of law only perpetuates the violations and empowers violators.

If you are the family member of a person experiencing human rights violations based on sexual orientation, gender, or race - a parent, grandparent, great grandparent, child, grandchild, sibling, cousin, or other relative - then you are experiencing human rights violations to your family. Ask the family members of the politicians, government officials, religious leaders, etc. who are violating human rights what can be done to bring an end to human rights violations once and for all. Remember, between 60% to 80% of heterosexuals will have a LGBTQ relative in their lifetime so there are a lot of families impacted by human rights violations.

If you add up all the government officials, religious leaders, and businesspeople on Earth at this moment who are personally responsible and personally accountable for mass violations of human rights, they completely and utterly pale in comparison to the number of people experiencing human rights violations. If you add up all the soldiers and law enforcement on Earth, they are tiny compared to the number of human beings experiencing human rights violations at this moment. Even the Universal Declaration of Human Rights acknowledges that the rule of law ends under governments that violate human rights. It is important to remember that even the Holocaust was carried out by a lawfully and democratically elected government, and being lawfully and democratically-elected provided no impunity for officials from being punished directly and personally for mass human rights violations - let alone dictatorships and members of religion-based governments that mass violate human rights.

There are less than 152,330 national government officials (and less than 2 million state/provincial officials) responsible for violating the human rights of more than 4 billion human beings. There are state, territorial, and provincial officials who also personally accountable for violating human rights. Human rights violations by government officials are not limited to those regarding sexual orientation and/or gender identity, and since all types of human rights violations impact the LGBTQA community such violations must be brought to an end.

How many family members are harmed when the human rights of LGBTQ people are violated?

There are 8 billion people on Earth.

For instance, 7.5% are LGBTQ - that's 600 million, plus their parents (1.2 billion), plus if each LGBTQ kid has on average one sibling (600 million), and each LGBTQ kid has four grandparents (2.4 billion), for a total of 4.8 billion family members impacted. Plus there are even more aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

In any event, more than half of the world's population!

In any country, more than half of the nation's population!

(note for example: in the USA, as of 2024, 28% (over 1 in 4) members of Generation Z 18-to-25 identify as LGBTQ)
Far too many government officials are vehemently hostile, coldly silent, or inactively supportive toward implementing human rights protection, which is utterly self-destructive given the current level of scientific and technological advancements. Some nations endlessly spout notions of equality, freedom and justice, yet the connection between rhetoric and reality is dangerously thin or non-existent, as millions of their own people experience the unfulfillment and violation of human rights every second of every day. Unfortunately diplomacy only solves human rights violations less than one-third of the time. Furthermore, no reason exists to maintain any treaty, ban or other international agreement when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is so egregiously being violated by specific governments and government officials who seek the benefits and protection of those agreements while perpetuating violations against hundreds of millions of human beings they need to maintain such agreements in the first place. The whole basis for the rule of law is that human rights are protected, not violated.

Many individuals proffer religious texts as justification for violating the human rights of gay people (and for violating the human rights of other straight people). Yet, when such ancient texts are used in retribution, they suddenly find themselves at a loss for words. For example, Exodus 35:2 plainly states that anyone working on the Sabbath should be executed. Keeping the Sabbath holy is in fact so important to these faiths it is the 2nd of The Ten Commandments. Politicians, religious leaders, military personnel, police personnel, judicial personnel, prison personnel, etc. all routinely break this "Word of God" by working on the Sabbath and according to Exodus 35:2 should either kill themselves if they believe in one of these faiths or be executed on sight if they claim to be adherents to one of these faiths, but you do not witness "devout" followers executing political and religious leaders, etc., nor do you see political and religious leaders, etc. drawing attention to the fact that they should be killed if these texts are truly the inerrant "Word" of their respective deities. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. In the worst cases, you end up with the bizarre scenerios like Iraq, Iran, and Nigeria where all the religious leaders are themselves homosexual (closeted homosexuals always pursue political and religious leadership in regions with oppressive religions) and have ordered the killing of out-of-the-closet homosexuals out of fear of being outed to the militias, who would then execute the religious leaders. And the militia members are overzealous so they fail to grasp the situation that if they were truly following their religious edicts the religious leaders themselves would be the first to be taken out. And no one mentions the utility companies that provide electricity, water, and fuel to heat, cool, and light houses of worship on the Sabbath; such commerce on the Sabbath is punishable by death, yet name a single congregation routinely participating in such Sabbath-breaking commerce that has ever executed itself after turning on the lights. Again ceaseless hypocrisy. Then there are those sanctimonious politicians and religious leaders who make money selling their self-help books and other publications during the Sabbath in bookstores and online. Again, hypocrites and pharisees. Another example, Deuteronomy 19:21, Leviticus 24:19-20, and Exodus 21:23, all say politicians and religious leaders must pay in kind when they violate human rights - a life for a life, an eye for an eye, an injury for an injury - not a sound basis for any sustainable government since politicians and religious leaders are violating the human rights (and therefore the religious freedom) of millions and millions of people.

The biggest danger of fundamentalist organized religion (including those businesspeople and politicians simply exploiting it for personal gain) is that living people base the future of the world on stories written by long-since-dead people from crappier times whose imaginations saw only ultimate doom and gloom for the future. The ending written into religious books was penned by dead people whose lives were miserable, and whose minds could not grasp a spherical planet rather than a flat one, that the universe extends far beyond that round planet, and that the world would advance and evolve in understanding so that much of what caused their misery and ignorance would be solved by reason and science. In places on Earth where the average person experiences the benefits of reason and science, fundamentalism subsides. Then there are those regions where human beings exploiting religion actually spend their time inflicting misery and suffering on other human beings to either try to make the miserable future that was written into their religion come true, or to further their political or financial personal gain from exploiting fundamentalism.

For thousands of years, vast numbers of heterosexuals have used religious mythologies to commit genocide against one another and against gay people and allies so, for instance, that is why traditional marriage is defined the way it is: Anyone standing up for human rights was killed. Mass-murdering people through the Ages and then claiming "tradition" demands continued exclusion is the most appalling and evil rationalization for discrimination ever concocted. Even in the 21st century, the killing has not subsided as far too many populations still offer up literal human sacrifices to their deities, invoking the hoary sanction of antiquity; these atrocities have been targeted at many groups and continue in modern times against gay people, bi people, transgender people, women, indigenous people, racial minorities, religious minorities, etc.

It is crucial to also note that there are thankfully many millions of people of faith who use their faith to uphold human rights for gay people. These individuals are to be commended for their dedication to social justice. There are also countless families who have lost a gay family member from human rights violations. These relatives who continue to fight for justice and human rights for gay people are inspirational. The multitude of friends, family and allies who protect and defend the human rights of gay people around the globe are shining examples of human nobility, understanding, and courage.

To provide proper context to the current status of dismal parts of the world, it is important to point out what is indeed among the most horrifying situations ever willfully created by a government on the planet: Egypt started imprisoning HIV Positive people. This means two realities: 1) no one will get tested for HIV in Egypt furthering the spread of the disease; and 2) the HIV Positive population realistically now has every rational reason to start infecting as many people as possible in Egypt (through sex, simply injecting people at random, etc.) to create such a large pool of HIV Positive people that the Egyptian government can logistically no longer carry out their atrocious policy. Egypt's government has committed genocide against its own people which forces average Egyptians to destroy the government or face destruction from its misguided policies. Individuals with other diseases such as Tuberculosis (TB) now have no reason to seek assistance or continue treatment out of a reasonable fear of being imprisoned. Mutating strains of these diseases in Egypt therefore are now unchecked, making Egypt, any interaction with Egypt (embassies, tourists, etc.), and any continuation of Egyptian policies a threat to the entire world.

Child molesters and rapists, who target male victims, overwhelmingly self identify as heterosexual males, many are married to females, and most try to stigmatize homosexuality to continue to silence male victims of sexual assault. And organizations with the highest rates of molestation are also the ones that try to stigmatize homosexuality the most. The thousands of reported cases of child sexual abuse in the USA, for instance, have occurred by clergy in conservative-leaning religious institutions over the past several decades. The same is true in other countries. Gay children are particularly vulnerable to these horrendous bigoted criminals who try to silence victims. The enablers of the abuse pass laws to silence discussions of LGBT issues among young LGBT kids to empower the conservative abusers to cloak their atrocities in exchange for donations to the corrupt officials (in the USA, the states of Florida, Iowa, Georgia, and others are examples of places with such criminal officials harming LGBT kids). Government officials who silence LGBT kids are mass child molesters who should be dealt with accordingly. In much of Africa, it is exceptionally bad because much of the continent is undereducated, government officials are too often corrupt and seek scapegoats, mass news media are often politicized privately for monetary gain or through complete governmental ownership and therefore do not reflect the reality of these crimes against children. Add to that the war-like instability of much of Africa and accompanying mass rape of persons in areas of conflict and it atrociously magnifies the scapegoating of gay people and the victimization of gay children by heterosexually-identifying perpetrators who consider it their heterosexual-male privilege to rape anyone they wish, including the rape of other heterosexual males to prove their dominance or the rape of homosexual males to treat them as women. There is also a staggering problem, especially in Africa, of heterosexual males performing "corrective rapes" - often gang-rapes - against homosexual women and women perceived to be homosexual as well as punative rapes against homosexual males.

In Lithuania and Hungary, for instance, both national governments are so corrupt they actively harm gay children by making it illegal to provide them with vital, life-saving information. This causes death and suffering among these children, calling into question whether the Lithuanian government and Hungarian government should be permitted to exist at all.

The same goes for countries such as the Russia Federation where Vladimir Putin and his corrupt authoritarian regime have harmed millions of gay children and should be punished for the genocide he and his cohorts have confessed to committing. Russian politicians have made it illegal and punishable to mention suicide in any publication or broadcast to try to hide the number of gay children the government has driven to kill themselves. Russian politicians even criminalize any police officer, military personnel, or religious follower who obeys their own conscience speaking out in defense of the human rights of their gay family members including their gay children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. The Russian military would be justified turning on Putin and his party, who have cost hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers their lives as Putin wages his war against neighboring Ukraine. Nigeria and Uganda are other examples of governments with officials who are guilty of genocide. To respond to the systemic hypocrisy and corruption throughout the failed state, the name Vladimir Putin (in any language), the visage of any Vladimir Putin, and the Russian Federation flag have all been declared symbols of the "international LGBT movementquot; and, therefore, are now illegal to mention or display within the failed state of the Russian Federation according to its own rules - otherwise its failed status is confirmed, the nation is considered dissolved, and its "officials" are mere criminals awaiting punishment by the millions they have harmed.

The same applies to China where there exists no reason to maintain the rule of law under such corrupt governmental leadership of Xi Jinping who is guilty of mass human rights violations. The Chinese people have every reason to purge his malfeasant regime to restore free exercise of their human rights. The Chinese military has ample reason to turn against government officials who are acting as Nazis violating human rights.

To provide an example of a government that violates human rights but requires the people it persecutes to remain peaceful, consider this case: The Singapore government - a failed island nation - inflicted a "fine" on a tv station of USD $11,000 for showing a regular gay couple and their son on a home improvement show. If the gay community each inflicted $100 of damage per hour to Singapore property as a "fine" for the actions of the Singapore government, that fine would hit $160 billion-$240 billion dollars in four hours, exceeding the annual GDP of the entire country. At that rate in Russia, as another instance, the Russian gay community alone could inflict a "fine" of more than $700 million dollars worth of damage every hour whenever the Russian government applies any law that violates the human rights of gay people, while the global gay community could inflict a $2.5+ trillion "fine" in two days that would exceed the entire annual GDP of Russia. Yet the Singapore and Russian governments - who have ended their democracies and who have been found guilty of genocide - fail to explain why they should be permitted to continue to violate human rights. This is one of the grand contradictions government officials in much of the world have failed to explain or grasp (simply because there is no justification for their actions).

Corruption by politicians and other government officials is a major problem. Zimbabwe, for instance, is a prime example of where elections are so corrupted that they can never be considered democratic, including fictitious people added to voter rolls, blocking of opposition communication, specific voters permitted to vote more than once under different voter IDs, bribery of election officials, interference by foreign corporations, and worse. Zambia is even worse for corruption - with all three branches of government corrupt to the core.

If you talk with people from all walks of life who are experiencing human rights violations, you come to one basic conclusion about human rights and governments: Government officials can improve their government's human rights record any time they wish, however the fate of such governments and officials does not ultimately remain in their hands when they do not improve their record.

In regions that uphold human rights, it is important to maintain the rule of law, preserve the environment, preserve the accumulation and distribution of energy resources, maintain economic security and stability, protect tourism, and perform the countless other tasks necessary to foster peace, prosperity, and justice. In regions where governments violate human rights, there is no reason to trust officials or do any of the multitude of tasks that perpetuate such governments. Otherwise, it would be futile, energy-wasting, and counterproductive to maintain what has already failed to protect human rights. Do nothing that benefits the interests of government officials who violate human rights.

Government officials who violate the human rights of millions of people will always complain when those millions of people no longer tolerate being harmed. Government officials who violate the human rights of millions of people will always try to concoct an excuse or justification but the judgement of their actions falls to those they have harmed and not the officials when all is said and done. A simple count of the officials who violate human rights shows they are vastly outnumbered by those they have wronged, even more so since the number of government officials on Earth who violate human rights has dropped considerably and in some parts surprisingly fast around the world as more of them realize the inevitable price of harming so many people.

Human rights defenders in organizations around the globe are working tirelessly to make civilization a better place for all.

Current findings indicate LGBTQ people are 28% or more of Earth's population, meaning the human family contains 2.24 billion LGBTQ men, women, and children. If LGBTQ individuals united to create a country, it would be the largest nation on Earth. Factor in parents, siblings, children of LGBTQ people, and other relatives, and conservatively more than 5.8 billion+ people are impacted by human rights violations against LGBTQ people.

There can be only one fitting punishment for government officials who violate the human rights of so many people.

Human rights are the global standard for law and justice, the foundation for sustainable peace and economic development, and the objective measure of freedom and security for a nation's people.

The International Bill of Human Rights expresses the bedrock principles of civil society, proclaiming that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

As Thomas Jefferson explained to James Madison, "A bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular, and what no just government should refuse, or rest upon inferences."

In any country based on liberty, the denial of human rights signals the approaching dissolution of that nation as indignation over the blatant hypocrisy foments bitter resentment and utter contempt. This was expressed on behalf of the American public (and consequently, for all of humanity) in the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Human rights are not a popularity contest. They exist to specifically end traditions of persecution, exclusion, and discrimination. A democracy without human rights protection is a democracy which will inevitably overstep its bounds and splinter apart, for no human will long consent to be governed by anything or anyone that violates their human rights. The rate of failed democracies is extremely high. Many countries have been unable to sustain even the most rudimentary elements of democracy including such simple requirements as Equal Protection under Law and the existence of a Fair, Impartial, and Independent Judiciary.

Earth is presently configured into 196 nations - some with multiple territories and defined as the 191 member states, plus 1 observer state, of the United Nations as well as 4 non-member states.

Size of Worldwide LGBTQ+ Community
  • Most recent information indicates at least 28% of human beings are LGBTQ+, so the worldwide LGBTQ+ community is larger than the individual population of all nations on Earth, and outnumbers the combined population of 175 of the 196 nations.

    It is the year 2024, and democracy has ended in most of the USA, just as the original Founders said it would end. Too many politicians and government employees now define their careers by violating the human rights of millions of Americans. The number of politicians and religious leaders in the USA guilty of genocide against LGBTQ people is appalling but the perpetrators can all be punished for their crimes since none can escape. Over 25 times more human beings in the United States are experiencing major human rights violations than the number of American slaves when the USA had slavery. The number of LGBTQ children who die each year is heartbreaking with politicians directly targeting them for harm in several states such as Florida (where legislative and executive officials openly confessed to the crime of genocide) and Alabama. Politicians violating the human rights of Americans are being funded by money from foreign sources, including Russian organized crime let into the USA, making these politicians guilty of treason, a crime against the American people no longer enforced against politicians who place themselves above the rule of law at the expense of ordinary American citizens.

    The United States Supreme Court became a constitutionally corrupted court in 2016 when Senators violated their oath to the U.S. Constitution by not fulfilling their constitutional duty to hold hearings for a Supreme Court candidate nominated by a twice-popularly elected President and instead denied the American people a Supreme Court selection by the President they lawfully elected. The U.S. Supreme Court is packed with justices paid for by dark money (anonymous and often foreign) to give predetermined rulings that serve the special interests of the political party of the Senators who constitutionally corrupted the court to begin with in 2016, rendering the U.S. Constitution meaningless for 99% of the American population. As a result, in an unprecedented loss of trust and confidence, two-thirds of Americans no longer have confidence in the court, with the majority of Americans now having little or no confidence whatsoever in the United States Supreme Court.

    In a further affront to democracy, five of the nine justices were appointed and confirmed by politicians that could not even manage to get the backing of the majority of American voters; this system is a holdover from the slavery-based founding of the USA before its first Civil War when states wanted to ensure their slaves were kept in slavery. The Senate filibuster is another holdover from the slave times of the USA to also keep the slaves as slaves and to thwart any protection of rights for minority groups. Gerrymandering is another holdover from slave times and is only now being addressed in some states. Human rights violations, judicial corruption (at state and federal level), voter suppression by partisan politicians, and other major erosion of democracy has turned much of the USA into a delapidated plutocracy where the top 10% of 1%'ers harms the other 99.9%.

    In 2024, all nine Supreme Court Justices became disqualified from holding office under the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment, Section 3 (the Constitutional safety net for the American people against oath-breaking insurrectionists from hlding office as well as those who provide comfort to them from holding office) by trying to gut the very part of the Constitution which now disqualifies them for providing comfort to current and future insurrectionist within office and pursuing office in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The United States Supreme Court is a failed institution, which has hobbled the United States of America into a failed state.

    The U.S. President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, all members of the U.S. Senate, all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, and all members of the U.S. Supreme Court have confirmed that it has ended. Not a single one can answer the most fundamental question of all: Equal Protection Under Law is the heart of Democracy and human rights; it prevents numerically larger groups from depriving smaller groups and individuals of their basic rights and freedoms. It also prevents corrupt partisan officials, no matter how they attempt to justify it, from violating the human rights of other Americans since such officials who violate the human rights, including equality, of millions of Americans are by definition enemies of the American people. The United States does not uphold equal protection under law for women who constitute 52% of Americans, inflicting upon them conditions of inequaity and violation of bodily autonomy no human being should have to contend with. Why should Americans maintain the Rule of Law under government officials that violate the heart of Democracy?

    When asked, none of them can explain. In fact, out of 1,000,000+ elected and appointed government officials and employees in the USA (Joint Chiefs of Staff, NSA, CIA, FBI, CDC, FDA, DOD, Governors, Attorneys General, Legislators, etc.) who all draw their paychecks and pensions from the pockets of the American public, precisely zero can answer that most fundamental question. And their inability to explain makes them exceedingly uncomfortable. Obviously no one wants to be caught at the helm, or be one of the crew, of such a proverbial Titanic after it has so blatantly hit the iceberg.

    Meanwhile, the anti-democracy and anti-human rights environment makes it impossible for tens of millions of Americans to consider their government as meeting the basic requirements of justice and equality, safety and happiness, set forth in international law and in the founding Declaration of Independence. It may seem strange that denying equality to human beings was powerful enough of a subject to end crucial democracy elements as EqUal Protection under Law in most of the USA; just as providing free speech to people you adamantly dislike requires placing the grander principle over personal feelings to preserve democracy, equality provoked enough disdain to override common sense in many Americans who failed to grasp and internalize the larger ramifications of violating Equal Protection Under Law, the heart of democracy.

    From state to state, the United States is a land of stark contrast - a vast patchwork and pattern of human rights fulfillment and violations with the overwhelming majority being violations in states where democracy has ended (listed in the M.E.D.U.S.A. category).
    United States
    Each day more civic leaders and ordinary citizens in the USA are realizing that human rights protection is the key to upholding the American ideal of Liberty and Justice for All. It should be noted that several cities, towns and counties have taken the initiative to secure and defend democracy and human rights when their state fails to act.

    There is no federal law protecting Americans from discrimination based on real or perceived sexual orientation in housing and public accommodations. Only twenty-one states cover these areas with statewide laws (and a few of these states are failed states so these laws are suspect). Consequently, in 29 states, all human rights laws can be easily circumvented. A human being can be legally refused an apartment or house, fired from their job, or denied service at a restaurant, shop, hotel, hospital or other public accommodation based on their sexual orientation. Heterosexuals can be targeted too based on sexual orientation by other heterosexuals who don't like other characteristics, meaning no one in these 29 states has any human rights protection whatsoever since religion, race, gender, disability, ethnicity and nationality are not protected when the person can instead be targeted for their sexual orientation, a loophole that renders anti-discrimination laws moot. American law has a fatal flaw in this respect. The lack of human rights protection in this area means in 29 states you can discriminate against the family members of the government officials who fail to protect other people's human rights, making the situation pyrrhic. Unfortunately since they don't want to protect their own from discrimination, it is not surprising they don't protect anyone else.

    As a result of a Supreme Court ruling on June 26, 2003, heterosexual and homosexual adults in America finally have enforcement of their privacy rights. The fact that the heterosexual majority has been kept so uneducated by the government so as not to demand privacy rights decades earlier is testament to the swiftly unravelling republic.

    Many heterosexuals like to dwell on non-heterosexuals and religion, when the profound discussion is about heterosexuals and religion. Case-in-point:

    Three prominent, intertwined world religious mythologies - perpetuated by heterosexuals through the ages - are based on the premise that the first heterosexuals were betrayers and that their bloodlines are accountable for the "criminal" actions of their ancestors until the end of time unless their descendents cease to exist or unless every new generation perpetually receives forgivenness to avoid being punished for the actions of their ancestors. This in and of itself indicates a deep-seated self-loathing among vast numbers of heterosexuals. Why cursed betrayers kicked out whose bloodlines forever pay the price? Why not heroes sent into the world to do good from the start? Some heterosexuals are able to put such self-hating religious mythologies into perspective, while other heterosexuals despise themselves and other heterosexuals so much they insist that everyone be followers of religions in which heterosexuals are originally cursed and kicked out of a utopian setting. Any number of affirming mythologies regarding heterosexuality could have been made popular by heterosexuals. Instead the mythology of heterosexuals as cursed betrayers of a supernatural entity was the one most heterosexuals chose to pass along to unsuspecting offspring and to force upon other heterosexuals as being the undeniable universal truth regarding the origin and trustworthiness of heterosexuals. Sane human beings with self esteem do not label themselves or any ancestor as cursed, much less blame them for the downfall of humanity at the start of the world, or give unblinking allegiance to such self-loathing myths. It is similarly telling that these world religions treat women as inherently and perpetually inferior. Most Americans - male and female - support and perpetuate religious mythologies in which women are forever second class, and unable to even preach to fellow adherents. It is revealing that such vast numbers of heterosexuals cannot uphold even the basic human rights of other heterosexuals - including the one particular heterosexual they vowed to love and cherish, but apparently not as an equal. If genders were treated equally among heterosexuals, same sex marriage would not be so contested. But for these particular religions to continue to exist, marriage among heterosexuals must perpetuate the self-loathing mythologies that claim female inferiority must forever submit to control by male superiority. If heterosexuals as a whole treated each other as equals, they might stop long enough and in great enough numbers to put an end to the absurd religious notion that heterosexuals were ever cursed and kicked out of utopia.

    This denial of civil equality by the United States government is substantially, if not solely, based upon religion. The intrusion of other people's religion into the daily lives of gay Americans is such that Freedom of Religion does not exist for gay and gay-allied people within the United States.

    Blatant corruption and bigotry exist in government. For example, the Alabama Supreme Court fails to meet the requirements of a fair, impartial, independent judiciary, ignores federal rulings, and violates human rights in exchange for campaign contributions.

    Some regions only hold their high ranking because of the legislative and executive branches while the judicial branch fails, such as California, for example, because the majority of the California Supreme Court ruled 5-2 in 2015 that they, any of the five judges - a male judge having sex with a 16 year old girl and impregnating her (or a female judge having sex with a 16 year old boy) - would not necessarily have to register as an offender, while an 18 year old high school senior having sex with his 17 year old boyfriend would mandatorily have to register as an offender. The corrupt members of the court ruled this was not discrimination when clearly it is. These five speciously-named "justices" in the case merely exempted themselves from harsher treatment while subjecting gay young people to criminalization - rendering the five "justices" including the chief justice intellectually bankrupt and severely damaging any judicial credibility in the state. In 2020, the state legislative and executive branches have corrected this corruption and restored equity. Meanwhile, another California judge ruled it is okay to break non-discrimination laws and to discriminate against others if you advertise your services but then deny them to only certain people based on their protected characteristics by claiming they offend your religious sensibilities as long as you deny them before performing your services - which is so stunningly corrupt as a ruling as to defy all logic and even the most basic rational test.

    Some regions in the USA have died from corruption, such as Wisconsin and Ohio, which terminated being a democracy as a result of gerrymandering so their legislative branches, for instance, do not reflect the voters. For example, in 2018, 54% of Wisconsin voters voted for one party but that party ended up with only 36 of 99 legislative seats - that is how appalling the gerrymandering is that terminated democracy in Wisconsin. In 2023, North Carolina's Republican justices on its state supreme court actually broke precedent and reversed recent rulings to put gerrymandering back into North Carolina, killing its democracy not only through restored gerrymandering but from a now-corrupted North Carolina state supreme court that is merely a partisan extension of a rightwing political party the corrupt justices serve instead of serving the people. North Carolina is a failed stae that is now authoritarian instead of a democratic republic. In Florida in 2019, legislators and the governor of one party terminated Florida's democracy when legislators decided to disenfranchise citizens from voting, despite the specific wishes of a supermajority of Florida voters who expressly voted to enfranchise those citizens.

    Like Florida, many regions in the USA abruptly ended their democracy for reasons unrelated to LGBT issues. For example, in 2019 in Iowa, politicians from one party could not win using fair, impartial, and independent courts when attempting to harm other people's constitutional rights and freedoms, so legislators and the governor of that party specifically passed a law to corrupt the judicial selection process with partisan politics, taking away the right of every Iowan to access fair, impartial, and independent courts and consequently terminating a rudimentary element of a functioning democracy. Members of that politicial party had the audacity to tell Iowans it was "watered-down legislation" to corrupt the judiciary as if there is such a thing as a little bit of an atrocity that makes it permissible to terminate the elements of a constitutional democratic republic. It should be noted that a federal Senator from Iowa from this party as chair of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee is the one who corrupted the U.S. Supreme Court by failing to carry out an assigned constitutional duty regarding the Supreme Court nominee of a twice popularly and democratically elected U.S. President, resulting in one of the greatest defilements and betrayals of a constitutional democratic republic ever. These annihilations of democracy in the USA are part of the trend of politicians from one party terminating the institutions of a democracy when they refuse to operate within them - historically one of the main reasons for the ending of democracies around the world.

    State governments and the US federal government tax gay Americans as first class citizens, taking in billions of dollars each year, while treating gay Americans as second class citizens when it comes to basic things like nondiscrimination in employment, nondiscrimination in public accommodations.

    The Land of the Free has ignored educating US citizens about human rights, despite having had over 75 years in which to create and implement a plan to do so.

    Several U.S. states have government officials who have knowingly, willfully, and with premeditation committed the crime of genocide against LGBTQ+ children, targeting them for the denial of life-saving information and medical care. As of 2024, these include the majority of legislators and many governors in the following states: Florida, Alabama, Iowa, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Utah, Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina.

    Size of American LGBTQ+ Community
  • Most recent information indicates at least 21% of Americans are LGBTQ+, so the American LGBTQ+ community is larger than the individual population of every state in the USA, and outnumbers the combined population of 28 of the 50 U.S. states.

    Distribution of American Gay Community
    As the years pass and more citizens feel comfortable identifying themselves on a national survey, attempts at gathering distribution figures continue to grow more accurate - though in countries like the United States where human rights are violated by the government collecting the data, convincing participants to trust the information gatherer proves daunting.

    The 2020 Census Bureau attempt recorded at least 980,000 same-sex partner households residing in 99% of all counties across the United States, dispelling the myth that gay and lesbian couples only live in urban areas or only live in certain parts of the country. The Bureau limited its attempted search to same-sex partner households, and did not attempt to record individuals or couples living apart.

    For perspective, 980,000 same-sex partner households means 1,960,000 people - larger than the combined population of Montana and Alaska, larger than the individual population of 43 of the 196 nations on Earth, and larger than the combined population of 16 of the 196 nations.
  • Dealing With Governments
    All governments derive their legitimacy solely from fulfilling human rights and all officials are sworn to do so through progressive measures, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to ensure that human beings are not driven to rebellion against tyrrany and oppression.

    History reveals numerous examples of governments in which political power is formally vested in representative assemblies, yet enforcement of law is arbitrary or despotic, and minorities have few safeguards against the tyranny of majorities.

    No country, no government, no democracy, can claim to be free until they fulfill human rights for all people.

    The atrociousness of the Holocaust is magnified even further because it was carried out not by a dictatorship but by the lawfully and democratically-elected government of the day, empowered by the votes of voters: the hoary sanction of "the will of the people" - an indefensible excuse still echoed decades later by corrupt politicians, religious leaders, and government officials as an reason to violate or not protect the human rights of minority groups.

    Human rights are a gravely serious matter. Many humans are harmed and killed as a direct result of government officials who continuously fail to internalize the gravity of their duty to ensure humanity their full human rights.

    Take time to thank government officials who uphold human rights, and to remind the remainder of their personal responsibility and their accountability to their progeny who rely on them not violating human rights.

    About the Gay Rights Human Rights Report
    This nongovernmental, nonprofit, nonpartisan report is updated daily and provides a window into the achievements and shortcomings of countries, as they pertain to the legal and moral responsibilities to uphold human rights, in accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights which consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

    The right to freedom from discrimination is affirmed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in its Articles 2 and 7 and by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in its Articles 2 and 26. The United Nations Human Rights Committee, in the 1994 case of Toonen v Australia, held that ICCPR protections against discrimination should be interpreted to bar discrimination based on sexual orientation. The UDHR is considered part of customary international law and is binding on all member states of the United Nations.

    Several areas are assessed for this report, including: life, liberty, and security of person (UDHR Article 3); human equality and equal protection of the law (UDHR Art. 1,2,7); right to non-interference in human intimacy regarding privacy, family, home (UDHR Art. 12); freedom of peaceful assembly and association (UDHR Art. 20); right to wholely participate in society, including non-discrimination, marriage, and full development of personality (UDHR Art. 2,3,7,16,22); right to work with equal pay and non-discrimination (UDHR Art. 7,23,24,25); freedom from torture (UDHR Art. 5); equal, non-discriminatory access to public service, including military service (UDHR Art. 2,7,21); equal, non-discriminatory access to education with freedom for full development of personality (UDHR Art. 1,2,7,22,26).

    This report covers the current status of human rights recognition in law and practice around the world. Many locations have the legal framework in place to achieve even greater human rights recognition. These particular regions are rising up the charts on this report relatively quickly as their governments alter old statutes to meet their new standards.

    Universal, Indivisible, Interdependent
    Human rights are described as universal, indivisible, and interdependent. This is not only true for the individual, but also between individuals, as the exercise of rights and responsibilities often impact more than just one person.

    As human beings, gay people are naturally related to other human beings - a parent, child, sibling, grandparent, etc. These additional humans suffer collateral damage to their own human rights when the human rights of their gay relative are violated or denied. For example, 1) an elderly parent may rely upon an adult child for financial support, and so the right to work free from discrimination for an adult gay child directly affects the parent's well being and security; 2) in the event of their own demise, a person may wish to designate their gay sibling as the legal guardian of their surviving children, thus the ability of gay individuals to adopt impacts the parent's right to have their final wishes fulfilled; 3) a biological or adopted child has added security and stability in a two parent home, thus securing gay parents the human right to marry impacts the human rights of the child.

    Related Resource
    Yogyakarta Principles
    The Yogyakarta Principles are a set of principles on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender identity. The Principles affirm binding international legal standards with which all States must comply.

    United States
    The foundations of democracy - equal protection, minority rights, and a fair, impartial judiciary - have rapidly crumbled away in much of the United States, as plainly predicted by the nation's Founders, and the end of democracy ends the rule of law. An appalling number of politicians violate human rights. Out of 321 million citizens, roughly fifty-seven percent of U.S. Americans live in a state with good state human rights protection or better, relatively-speaking, and 29 out of 50 states do not meet the requirements of a democracy and many contain a significant number of responsible officials guilty of genocide. If you do not factor in mistreatment by the federal government, nineteen are functioning states that treat our people as human beings.

    It is important for context of this collapse of democracy to understand the violent tragic nature of the USA. Vastly more Americans have died at the hands of other Americans than during all the foreign wars, incidents, and conflicts to date combined, making the death of Americans by other Americans sadly one of the oldest, most widespread American traditions, and hardly one that would ever create a lasting nation.

    The main rightwing political party is funded by wealthy supremacist Nazis who set the Nazi agenda of the entire party which, among other items, aims at harming non-whites, criminalizing the bodily autonomy of women, and violating the human rights of LGBTQ+ people. The death spiral of American democracy is not limited to the scope of LGBT human rights but encompasses such basic things as failure to reach or maintain free, fair, and independent courts, Equal Protection under Law in all its facets, and more. Most of the failed states listed at the bottom died (as recently as 2021) as a result of larger issues that terminated democracy in the state.
    Best States
    For Human Rights

    (Updated Daily; Categories Best to
    Worst; Places listed alphabetically)

       California (11)
       New Jersey
       New Mexico
       New York ***
       Rhode Island
       Puerto Rico
       Northern Marianas
       US Virgin Islands
       American Samoa
    Worst States
    For Human Rights

       Alabama (13)
       Alaska (13)
       Arizona (13)
       Arkansas (13)
       Florida (13)
       Georgia (13)
       Idaho (13)
       Indiana (13)
       Iowa (13)
       Kansas (13)
       Kentucky (13)
       Louisiana (14)
       Mississippi (13)
       Missouri (13)
       Montana (13)
       Nebraska (13)
       New Hampshire (13)
       North Carolina (13)
       North Dakota (13)
       Ohio (13)
       Oklahoma (13)
       South Carolina (13)
       South Dakota (13)
       Tennessee (13)
       Texas (14)
       USA Federal Gov. (19)
       Utah (13)
       West Virginia (14)
       Wyoming (13)

    Italics indicate islands, and *** indicates region with considerable portion of population (20%+) inhabiting one or more islands.

    (11) Positive ranking result of legislative and executive branches; otherwise would rank Abysmal based on corruption within current supreme court of judicial branch.

    (13) Republican state officials in this region sexually abuse LGBT children. Willfully ignoring major medical associations, officials guilty of mass child abuse - denial of critical care. Officials culpable for suicides of LGBT children.

    (14) Republican and some Democratic state officials in this region sexually abuse LGBT children. Willfully ignoring major medical associations, officials guilty of mass child abuse - denial of critical care. Officials culpable for suicides of LGBT children.

    I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

    Elie Wiesel

    Creating New Nations
    Vastly more energy and commitment are required to preserve a nation than to end it and start over when it violates human rights. The timeframe for a new nation can be slow or swift. It can take a few years, or it can occur in a day. The record is held by the country of Estonia - less than 24 hours.

    The Gay Rights Human Rights Report site is part of the Gay Library. Having served the world for twenty years, the Gay Library provides a workhorse of easy-to-use resources and information to encourage, empower and educate gay and gay-friendly individuals in 196 countries and territories. Visit the Gay Library family of sites:  Gay Library ||  Gay Film Festivals ||  Gay Community Centers ||  Gay Civil Rights ||  Gay Rights Organization ||  Gay Rights Human Rights Report ||  Gay Straight Alliance ||  Gay Destination ||  Gay Spouse ||  Gay Memorial ||  Gay Office